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Immobila nieruchomości

Business type: Services
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 1998


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Firm Rank: 0

The real estate office, Immobila Ilona Wakulińska, has been a market leader in Trójmiasto since 1998.
The National License Number 3107 authorizes us to trade in real estate. We are a member of Stowarzyszenie Pomorskie Posrednikow w Obrocie Nieruchomosciami (SPPON), a regional association for real estate agents. Members of this association cooperate with each, eliminating competition with other real estate offices.

We utilize the MLS system, which is the most efficient tool used by all Polish real estate agents. – Mulitply Listing System.

Our professional service is ensured by our experience and knowledge. We provide extensive transaction services, which include:

A complete search of offers according to individual needs of each client.

A comprehensive legal service, i.e.: preparing needed documentation.

Administration of all legal matters regarding the chosen estate.

Service Fees:

Selling or Purchasing an estate – we charge 2.5% of the value of the estate + the tax VAT.

Renting or Leasing an estate – we charge one month’s rent + the tax VAT.

Commission for assistance during the transaction is determined on an individual basis.

The agreement of mediation is free of charge. We handle all the documentation necessary, while protecting the interests of our clients.

Address data

Street:Chmielewskiego 4/ 1 B
Postal code:81-853
Phone: +48 58 5550611
Fax: +48 58 5511736


Contact person

Name and Surname: Ilona Wakulińska
Phone: +48 58 5550611
Mobile: +48 609683399
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